November 4, 2024 to February 7, 2025
- Category: ABQ, Online
- Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
- Topic: Other
- Grades: Primary (grades 1-3)
This course, for teachers interested in acquiring the Additional Basic Qualification in the primary division, will focus on the education of children from ages four to eight. The purpose of the course is to extend skills and knowledge of teachers in the design, delivery and assessment of the primary division program. Emphasis is placed upon understanding students’ development, acquiring a knowledge of the Ontario Curriculum, ministry guidelines relating to primary education, current practices in curriculum development and teaching strategies.
Candidates will participate in discussions that include evaluating readings, and creating new tools to assist in teaching practice, as well as a culminating activity where they participate in an in-depth online workshop on curriculum design and planning.
Topics in this course include:
– Resources, including technology, to support primary education
– Child development and importance of observation
– Strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners
– Effective learning environments for young children
– Principles of learning and teaching found in the Ontario Curriculum and supporting documents relating to primary education
– Program planning in all curriculum areas, with focus on literacy and numeracy
– Current assessment and evaluation principles and practices.
Please visit website for additional information.
- Organizer: Queen's University
- Cost: $685.00. See website for details.
- Location: Online
- Website:
- Contact: Continuing Teacher Education
- Phone: 613-533-2387
- Fax: 613-533-6702
- Email: