April 8, 2024 to June 7, 2024
- Category: ABQ, Online
- Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
- Topic: Business Studies
- Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10)
As stated in the Grade 9-10 Ontario Business Studies curriculum, business activity affects the daily lives of all Canadians as they work, spend, save, invest, travel and play. Young people need to understand how business functions, the role it plays in our society, the opportunities it generates, the skills it requires, and the impact it can have on their daily lives. (p. 3)
By completing the Additional Basic Qualification course, Intermediate Division Business Studies, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to successfully teach Grade 9-10 Business Studies. You will develop a better understanding of the theoretical foundations of Business Studies, and the five critical areas of learning: Business Skills; Communication; Digital Literacy; Financial Literacy; and Ethical, Moral and Legal Considerations. The Intermediate Division Business Studies AQ course directs you to explore Ministry curriculum, policies and guidelines, as well as a variety of resources within and beyond the educational system, serving to enhance your professional knowledge in this field. Also embedded in this course, is the time to engage in professional dialogue with your colleagues and share the products of your learning with others.
Topics explored in the course provide the opportunity to:
– Review the High School Business Program and explore the various business programs offered at your local school board
– Deepen your understanding of the adolescent learner and how to best meet their diverse educational needs
– Explore relevant and engaging teaching strategies and resources, including digital material and technological tools
– Develop integrated lesson plans based on the Business Studies curriculum as well as other curriculum and support documents
– Create a project-based learning assignment that includes effective assessment practices based on clearly identified learning goals
Please visit website for additional information and registration.
- Organizer: Queen's University
- Cost: $745.00. See website for details.
- Location: Online
- Website: https://coursesforteachers.ca/
- Contact: Continuing Teacher Education
- Phone: (613) 533-2387
- Email: cedmail@queensu.ca