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Tuesday, January 21

Environmental Education, Part 1 AQ (ETFO, Winter 2025, Online)

The Additional Qualification Course: Environmental Education, Part 1 employs a critical lens to explore in a holistic an integrated manner theoretical foundations of ecological literacy, the earth’s grand systems and the reciprocal relationships between the earth’s grand systems and human systems. Program planning, implementation, instructional strategies, assessment, the learning environment and ethical considerations are also …

Equitable and Inclusive Schools (Formerly Inclusive Classroom), Part 1 AQ (ETFO, Winter 2025, Online)

This introductory course explores the theoretical foundations, development of learners, program planning and implementation, assessment, the inclusive learning environment and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning with inclusion in mind. Candidates will participate in an adult learning model, where they will create support networks, receive feedback from colleagues and instructors, and share the products …

FNMI Peoples: Understanding Traditional Teachings, Histories, Current Issues and Cultures, Part 1 AQ (ETFO, Winter 2025, Online)

Offered: Online Cost: $650 This course will invite teachers to deepen their understanding of Indigenous histories, traditions, cultures, and world views to critically explore and transform current pedagogy and practice. As a learning community, we will journey through this course together as we unlearn and relearn the many ways of knowing and being and explore topics …

French as a Second Language (FSL) Part 1 AQ (Niagara, Winter 2025, Online)

Le cours de qualification additionnelle français langue seconde partie 1, est une introduction à la théorie et aux pratiques de salle de classe dans l’enseignement du français langue seconde. Ce cours vous donnera la possibilité d’enseigner le français langue seconde en Ontario. Étant le premier pas vers la spécialisation, il vous permettra d’acquérir des connaissances …

French as a Second Language (FSL) Part 2 AQ (Niagara, Winter 2025, Online)

Le cours de qualification additionnelle français langue seconde partie 2 a pour but d’approfondir vos connaissances et vos compétences acquises durant la partie 1.  Ce cours vous permettra d’enrichir vos théories et pratiques d’enseignement à travers la recherche, l’interaction en ligne avec vos collègues du cours pour accumuler ainsi des ressources importantes à votre profession. …