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Monday, June 24

Special Education Part 1 AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

The Additional Qualification Course: Special Education, Part I, employs a critical, pedagogical lens to explore, in a holistic and integrated manner, the theoretical foundations, development of learners, program planning and implementation, instructional practices, assessment and evaluation, the learning environment and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning across the divisions. This course supports the enhancement …

Special Education Part 2 AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

The underlying purpose of the Additional Qualification course: Special Education, Part II is to extend and apply the skills and knowledge of teachers in the design, delivery, programming and assessment of special education. This course is designed to assist teachers to develop, at a more advanced level, a competence in gathering the information that will …

Special Education Specialist AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

The Additional Qualification course: Special Education Specialist extends the knowledge and skills of Part II and continues to focus on theory and practice in special education. Critical to the delivery of special education is the ability of teachers to ensure positive learning experiences for students. The focus of this course is on leadership development by …

Student Assessment and Evaluation AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

Student assessment and evaluation is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Teachers in Ontario are required to use diverse forms of assessment to support and communicate progress in learning to students, parents, and school administrators. This course will build on your current assessment practice and support you in exploring ways to enhance …

Teacher Leadership Part 1 AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

Teacher leaders are champions for our students’ success—leading in the classroom, staffroom, and community. By developing their leadership skills, teachers can maximize their impact and the effect they have in their schools. This Teacher Leadership Part 1 course will allow you to focus on your own personal leadership growth and its connections to theory and …