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Monday, June 24

Mathematics, Primary and Junior Part 2 AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

It is no secret that teachers tend to teach the way they were taught. If this way was the lecture-drill method then they will think of teaching as a way of giving information to students and marking worksheets. Does this sound familiar? As a student yourself, did you find mathematics interesting, challenging and meaningful – …

Mathematics, Primary and Junior Specialist AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

Welcome to the Specialist course in Mathematics in Primary and Junior Education. This course signals an important step in your professional growth and in your career. And it is an opportune time to become a “specialist”! Never before has mathematics education in Ontario required more leaders strong in mathematics, capable in leadership skills and passionate …

Orientation to Teaching in Ontario AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

This course will enhance the understanding of effective practices and instructional strategies in Ontario classrooms. Teachers will explore the policies and strategies underpinning the Ontario curriculum, understand the procedures related to the Individual Education Plan process (IEP) and engage in course planning integrating differentiated instructions and universal design. Teachers will apply the Ethical Standards for …

Reading Part 1 AQ (Queen’s, Summer 2024, Online)

The ability to read is probably one of the most important indicators of future success for students in our schools. As teachers we are all striving to create classrooms where all children read and write; it is probably that motivation that brings you to this course. Reading Part I will explore the theory and practice …