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Monday, May 06

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies Specialist AQ (Lakehead, Spring 2024, Online)

This series of courses aims to utilize critical pedagogy to explore the multiple facets of teaching and learning in a holistic manner. Developed in collaboration with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) community members, the three courses in this series are intended to recognize and honour the rich cultural history of these groups, in relation …

French as a Second Language I AQ (Brock, Late Spring 2024, Online)

Aims of the French program in Ontario schools, methodology; an introduction to linguistics, audiovisual devices, demonstration classes and practice teaching. Format: Lectures, seminar. Restrictions: registration open to certified teachers and qualified individuals until date specified in Registration guide. On and after that date, permission of Department. Notes: open to certified teachers who qualify by successfully completing an oral …

French as a Second Language Part 1 AQ (Lakehead, Spring 2024, Online)

This course introduces students to the methods used currently for the teaching of French in English-speaking Ontario schools. The course stresses audio-visual techniques and the oral-aural approach. Through a structural review, a systematic effort is made to improve students’ fluency in spoken French and their accuracy in the written form. The practical activities form an …

French as a Second Language Part 1 AQ (Queen’s, Late Spring 2024, Online)

L’enseignement du français langue seconde représente un défi de taille en Ontario. Le cours de FSL partie 1 a pour but de familiariser et de sensibiliser l’enseignant avec les théories et les pratiques actuelles liées à cet enseignement. En tant que cours d’introduction, il permet aux candidats d’acquérir les connaissances et les habiletés fondamentales en …

French as a Second Language Part 2 AQ (Lakehead, Spring 2024, Online)

This course provides a comprehensive and detailed study of methods used for the teaching of French in Ontario. The course introduces the theory of applied linguistics upon which audio-lingual methods are based. This course also addresses special topics related to the study of French within Ontario school curricula; alternative French programs; immersion courses; extended programs; …