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Monday, April 15

Teaching LGBTQ Students AQ (ETFO, Spring 2024, Online)

As educators in Ontario, one of our highest priorities is creating and sustaining safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments that respect and celebrate the diversity of our students. Creating a classroom and school environment that truly honours the identity of students who identify as LGBTQ, where they feel safe and can thrive, is a purposeful endeavour, …

Teaching Students with Behavioural Needs AQ (ETFO, Spring 2024, Online)

This course is designed to create a platform that offers a collaborative understanding of the social, emotional and environmental factors that impact behaviour, guide development of instructional strategies and overall curriculum adjustments that advocates for the building of healthy relationships, self-regulation and positive self-concept through social and emotional literacy. Creating and sustaining an inclusive learning environment …

Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorders) AQ (ETFO, Spring 2024, Online)

The course is designed to expose candidates to the basic foundations for understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder from past to present. Candidates will learn a range of strategies for classroom success, including decreasing problem behaviours, using visual strategies and focusing on evidence-based pedagogy leading to student success. Candidates will have opportunities to examine the processes of …

Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Learning Disabilities) AQ (ETFO, Spring 2024, Online)

Teaching students with communication needs (Learning Disabilities) provides an in-depth body of study, knowledge and information that will build teacher capacity, with respect to teaching students with Learning Disabilities (LD). This course focuses on the following key areas: Identifying and recognizing LDs Assessment Instructional strategies Individual Education Plan (IEP) Transitions Advocacy Community supports Teachers will …

Teaching Students with Intellectual Needs (Developmental Disabilities) AQ (ETFO, Spring 2024, Online)

The Additional Qualification Course: Teaching Students with Intellectual Needs (Developmental Disabilities) provides the opportunity for candidates to explore the history, policies and evidence-based pedagogies that meet the learning needs of students with Intellectual Needs. The creation of inclusive classrooms for students with Developmental Disabilities will be researched with a focus on equity and well-being. The …