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April 2024 388 Events 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Monday, April 01

Reading Part 1 AQ (Niagara, Spring 2024, Online)

The Additional Qualification Reading Part I Online Course provided by Niagara University is a comprehensive introduction to the foundations of the complex task of teaching literacy skills for the twenty-first century. A focus on the components that create an engaging, cross-curricular literacy program will enable the participants to develop a solid understanding of what is …

Reading Part 2 AQ (Niagara, Spring 2024, Online)

The Additional Qualification Reading Part II Online Course provided by Niagara University allows the participants to develop a deeper understanding of the foundations of reading instruction first explored in Reading Part I. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a more thorough investigation of the concepts of Reading Part I in order to further …

Reading Specialist AQ (Niagara, Spring 2024, Online)

“Literacy is often broadly defined as the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and think critically. Research shows that being literate is closely linked to one’s ability to access power and negotiate the world around them. Young people need to develop strong literacy skills to communicate effectively, gain respect from peers and authority, participate in …

Religion Education in Catholic Schools Part 1 AQ (Niagara, Spring 2024, Online)

Candidates will explore their ongoing commitment to religious formation and learning, and how to build inclusive and equitable communities grounded in the faith of the Church. This course aims to extend the depth and scope of teachers’ understanding of scripture, liturgy, the spiritual life, the nature of the sacraments, the fundamentals of ethics, history and …

Special Education Part 1 AQ (Niagara, Spring 2024, Online)

Special Education Part 1 is a prerequisite for any teacher in a Special Education setting; but it is also very beneficial to every teacher who has special education students in a regular class. The course will include an overview of the Special Education policies and practices in the province of Ontario.  Practical strategies for working …