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Wednesday, July 05

Writing, Part 3 Specialist AQ (York, Summer 2023, Online)

The Additional Qualification Writing Specialist Course facilitates a culture of pedagogical practice, reflective leadership, knowledge creation, and mobilization. Through it, you will collaboratively cultivate professional efficacy and leadership practices in your educational settings by fostering cultures of critical reflection and inquiry within the context of writing instruction and learning to write. To begin, you will …

Thursday, July 06

Junior Basic – Teaching the Junior Child Focus ABQ (OISE, Summer 2023, Online)

The Junior Basic Additional Qualification course (Teaching the Junior Child) focuses on educating the active, independent junior child in grades 4-6. We begin our exploration with who the junior child is and some key characteristics and pedagogues (e.g. inquiry). We continue by building our instructional toolbox for the junior classroom including strategies for assessment and …

Primary Basic ABQ (OISE, Summer 2023, Online)

The Primary Basic Additional Qualification course focuses on educating the active, curious primary child in Kindergarten to grade 3. We begin our exploration with who the primary child is and some key characteristics and pedagogues (e.g. play, inquiry). We continue by building our instructional toolbox for the primary classroom including strategies for assessment and planning …

Reading Part 1 AQ (OISE, Summer 2023, Online)

Through discussions, workshops, and presentations, candidates in Reading Part 1 develop their capacity to help students from kindergarten through grade 12 learn to read, write, and learn. Candidates begin by studying the research about how we learn to read. Then candidates apply that knowledge to plan effective literacy assessment and instruction. They develop an increased …

Special Education Part 1 AQ (OISE, Summer 2023, Online)

Course Description Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exceptionalities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course …