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Wednesday, July 05

Primary Division ABQ (Trent, Summer 2023, Online)

This course is designed to introduce practising, qualified teachers to teaching and learning in the Primary Division, which encompasses Kindergarten through to Grade 3. Primary learners have much to teach us. As children work their way through their learning, they create frameworks by which to learn throughout their lives. The work of the Primary educator …

Primary Division ABQ (York, Summer 2023, Online)

The Primary Additional Basic Qualification (ABQ) course, provides an introduction to teaching at the primary level. Critical to the Primary Basic program is the ability of teachers to ensure positive learning experiences for young children. Teachers create learning environments that foster curiosity, creativity, independence and self-regulation. The course will explore the characteristics of the primary child, how …

Reading Part 1 – Intermediate and Senior Focus AQ (York, Summer 2023, Online)

Reading Part 1 – Intermediate, Senior Focus Additional Qualification Course equips teachers to meet the reading comprehension and application needs of in the Intermediate Division. Specifically, it enhances the teacher-candidate’s repertoire for instructing, modeling, encouraging, and supporting learners as they engage in curriculum-based reading tasks and respond to the increasing literacy demands of life in …

Reading Part 1 AQ (Laurentian, Summer 2023, Online)

The Additional Qualification course Reading, Part 1 focuses on the relevant research evidence underpinning effective reading instruction including: theoretical foundations, current approaches to literacy instruction, the relationship of reading to other aspects of language development, the learning environment, assessment and evaluation, and ethical considerations related to the teaching of reading. The process of learning to …

Reading Part 1 AQ (Trent, Summer 2023, Online)

Students will learn and apply current education theory regarding reading instruction and cross-curricular literacy strategies to support pupils who struggle with reading. They will learn a variety of before, during and after reading strategies and incorporate them into a subject specific lesson plan. They will complete a culminating task that synthesizes their learning and reflects …