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April 2023 49 Events 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thursday, April 13

Reading Part 1 AQ (OISE, Spring 2023, Online)

Through discussions, workshops, and presentations, candidates in Reading Part 1 develop their capacity to help students from kindergarten through grade 12 learn to read, write, and learn. Candidates begin by studying the research about how we learn to read. Then candidates apply that knowledge to plan effective literacy assessment and instruction. They develop an increased …

Special Education Part 1 (Elementary Focus) AQ (OISE, Spring 2023, Online)

Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exceptionalities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course will be …

Special Education Part 1 (Secondary Focus) AQ (OISE, Spring 2023, Online)

Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exception alities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course will …

Teaching English Language Learners, Part 1 AQ (OISE, Spring 2023, Online)

The Teaching English Language Learners course utilizes the understanding of linguistic and sociocultural backgrounds to provide rich scaffolding and a conceptual framework to guide your teaching practice to meet the needs and development of language proficiency and language acquisition of English language learners in the classroom. Emphasis will be placed on inclusive practices and social …

Teaching English Language Learners, Part 2 AQ (OISE, Spring 2023, Online)

This course provides candidates with the opportunity for further in-depth exploration of the knowledge and skills necessary for the design, delivery and assessment of ESL and ELD programs from J/K to I/S. The course links theory and practice at the micro and macro levels and focus on the following topics: teaching strategies and curriculum design …