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February 2015 15 Events 1 2 3

Thursday, February 12

Creating Interactive Math Classes through BYOD

ClassFlow is a free, online tool that works on almost all devices. Imagine a lesson where teachers push slides, websites, PDFs and interactive activities right to student devices (tablets and laptops). Teachers can then annotate and share student responses. This tool is useful for all ages where students have devices in pairs or individually. Differentiation …

Friday, February 13

Save Your Sanity

A professional development workshop focusing on practical strategies for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Oppositional Behaviour. Please visit website for additional information and registration.

Monday, February 16

Motricité globale et habiletés motrices fondamentales

Présenté par: Dr. Joël Beaulieu. Étudier les fondements et les repères du développement moteur et de la motricité globale Comprendre l’influence de la motricité globale sur le développement géné de l’enfant S’initier aux habiletés motrices fondamentales et aux stades d’évolution Expérimenter des activités de motrices globales (classe, gymnase, cour) Établir des liens avec les programmes …

Tuesday, February 17

Moving Beyond The “Curriculum Checklist”

When looking at curriculum documents, it may seem like there’s a never-ending number of expectations. How can we be sure to properly address all of them? How do we do so using an inquiry approach? If you are concerned that an inquiry approach requires more thinking and questioning time, you may wonder how you will …

The Vitruvian Teacher: Effective planning and teaching for stickability

Presenter: Ross Morrison McGill. Ross Morrison McGill, creator of @TeacherToolkit will introduce you to 100 Ideas for Outstanding Lessons and how to keep perfectly stuck in the classroom! Make instruction highly engaging and active for students Simplify lesson planning. Improve marking so that students act on feedback Design assessments that require student responsibility Set inspiring; …