Using the Cascading Curriculum as a Springboard to Social Studies Inquiry

Discover the power of a cascading curriculum for engaging students in inquiry, an important focus in the new Ontario Social Studies curriculum. Learn how to implement a cascading model in which the learning flows from a rich, provocative question and task. Designed as a follow-up on previous sessions which introduced the cascading curriculum concept, this session examines how to implement learning through the scaffolded, cascading model, making thinking visible and allowing for powerful assessment for and as learning.

Audience: All levels


About the facilitator:

Garfield-portrait4Garfield, senior national consultant with The Critical Thinking Consortium and Senior Lecturer at OISE/University of Toronto, speaks across Canada and internationally on critical thinking, brain compatible classrooms, curriculum design and effective assessment practice and nurturing 21st century skills in a digital world. In addition to his work at the University of Toronto and delivering workshops, Garfield has also authored seven textbooks and has taught in the faculties of education at York University and the University of British Columbia. Garfield’s work with educators often has a transformative impact on teaching and learning as he blends humour with a deep understanding of effective curriculum design centred around the infusion of critical thinking for all.