Twitter as “Assessment for Learning”

It’s amazing what can be shared in 140 characters or less! Learn about how to use Twitter to capture student learning, inform teaching practices, and make a meaningful difference in student achievement. Find out practical ways to use Twitter as “assessment for learning.” Look at how photographs, videos, and audio recordings can be easily shared, and the power that all of them can hold in formative assessment. For all grade levels, there’s incredible power in a tweet!

Audience: K-6


About the presenter: Aviva is a Grade 5 teacher at Ancaster Meadow School in Ancaster, Ontario.  This is heAvivar 13th year teaching, and she taught Kindergarten for 8 years before moving to Grade 1, Grades 1/2, Grade 6, and now Grade 5. Aviva was one of the recent recipients of the Prime Minister’s Award For Teaching Excellence. She’s passionate about using creativity and technology to meet the varied needs of her learners. Aviva lives by her mantra: If they can’t learn the way you teach, teach the way they learn!