This session will explore engaging strategies for grades 4-8 that emphasize the development of strong reasoning skills in the mathematics classroom. Participants will have an opportunity to experiment with the Critical Thinking Consortium’s ‘rigorous inquiry’ framework as an effective model for increasing engagement and helping students develop deeper mathematical understandings.
Audience: Grades 4-8
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- Recommended References:
- Boaler, Jo (2014) How Students Should be Taught Mathematics: Reflections from Research and Practice. Standford, CA:
- Case, Roland and Garfield Gini-Newman (2015) Creating Thinking Classrooms. Vancouver, B.C.: The Critical Thinking Consortium
- Schuster, Lainie and Nancy Caravan Anderson (2005) Good Questions for Math Teaching: Why Ask Them and What to Ask, 5-8. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions
- Would You Rather Math