Now that you’ve experienced the process of working with the new templates, how is your thinking about the connection between pedagogical documentation and communicating children’s learning evolving? How might the learning revealed in the documentation help inform key learning, growth in learning and next steps? Come share strategies and insights with other Kindergarten educators across the province.
Click here to view Part 1 of this 2-part series.
Audience: Kindergarten
- Growing Success Kindergarten Addendum
- LINK to OE chart with conceptual understandings
- Pedagogical Documentation K-2 Capacity Building Series Monograph #30
- Pedagogical Documentation Revisited K-12 Capacity Building Series Monograph January 2015
- The Kindergarten Program (2016) on the Ministry of Education website
- Young Mathematicians: Comparing Measurements Video
- Kindergarten Growing Success
- Tools to Document Learning Padlet
- Rock Washing Station Video
- OE with Conceptual Understandings frames indicated
- Using Pedagogical Documentation to Communicate Learning Padlet