Project Work in Kindergarten

Download and play webinar in a new tabDate: May 3, 2018
Levels: FDK
Areas of Focus: Kindergarten
Keywords: AI (100)

In this session, educators will learn about how project work supports Kindergarten students in their learning and development. We will make connections to the Kindergarten curriculum and explain how engaging in projects with students can support educators in “covering” many areas of the document through rich experiences. We will share a project from beginning to end, explaining the thinking of both the children and the educators through the process of our Fire Project.

Presenters: Tracy Sim and Cheryl Emrich

Audience: Kindergarten


Tracy and Cheryl’s Blog:

Tracy on Twitter:

Cheryl on Twitter:

Instagram: @passionatelycuriouseducators

Tracy and Cheryl Email:

Does Your Face Light Up Video:

Lillian Katz Video:

Young Investigators Book: