Google Forms for Authentic Assessment & Feedback
By the end of this webinar participants will know how to utilize the technology they have in their classrooms to increase engagement, build in authentic feedback, and empower students to create their own Google Forms! Do you want to increase efficiency? Build in authentic feedback cycles, increase the amount of timely descriptive feedback you give? …
Redefining the Math Classroom with Technology Part 2 – Plan, Teach and Assess Using Web 2.0 Tools
The introduction of technology into the math classroom has redefined how teachers plan, teach and assess. In this session, we will utilize a hands-on approach to show how technology can amplify students’ ability to communicate, collaborate, represent and learn from one another in a one-to-one junior math classroom. Part 2 of this webinar will highlight …
Supporting Student Learning with iPads
Archived recording (April 9, 2013) Archived recording (May 1, 2013) Do you have access to iPads in your classroom, but are struggling to make use them to support student learning? This session shares ideas on how to manage and make effective use of a variety of apps in your classroom. An extensive wiki is available for …
Flipped Classroom – The Basics
You’ve heard of the ‘flipped’ classroom. What is it…and what is it not? We will define, discuss and deconstruct the term for beginners. We will look at best practices for a flipped model and help you think about pedagogy so that your flip isn’t a flop! Even this session is flipped! Click here for your pre-viewing learning! Audience: All …