Gaming for Numeracy
Creating authentic and engaging content to link to real life experiences can be extremely challenging in mathematics. This session highlights specific apps, websites and video games that can make mathematics fun for any student. Participants are encouraged to “play along” on their devices while connecting, sharing, and collaborating via Google Apps for Education. Audience: Primary/Junior/Intermediate …
Gaming for Literacy
Engaging vulnerable students in reading and writing can be a challenging experience for teachers. This session provides participants with hands-on experience using gaming in the language classroom with specific classroom learning opportunities shared. Participants are encouraged to “play along” on their computers or tablet devices while using Google Apps for Education (GAFE) to share, collaborate, and learn …
Ripping it up: Engaging boys and vulnerable students through technology, inquiry, and gaming
In this session, teachers have an opportunity to explore various ways to engage vulnerable students across the curriculum. An examination of current research surrounding vulnerable students, gaming in the classroom, and increasing student voice is highlighted. In addition, participants explore Google Apps for Education, various inexpensive or free games, and other free, web-based applications as a means …