ExpiredWendy Witch vs Hansel and Gretel – A Civil Law Mock Trial for Elementary Students

Turn your elementary classroom into a courtroom with the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN)’s Elementary Civil Mock Trial (ECMT)! This mock trial scenario, designed for grade five students, flips the traditional Hansel and Gretel story on its head when Wendy Witch sues Hansel and Gretel for defamation after they post mean comments about her online. Through the webinar, teachers will be guided through this comprehensive resource, gaining an understanding of how to introduce legal concepts such as defamation as well as statements of claim and defence, and civil procedure to elementary students. The resource includes a broad range of interactive teaching strategies and activities, and culminates in an experiential mock trial where students simulate a real court hearing, taking on the roles of lawyers, witnesses, the accused, and court staff. Resource materials will be provided.

Presenter: Martin Ejidra, OJEN

Target Audience: Elementary