
Kindergarten Part 2 AQ (Trent, Spring 2024, Online)

May 10, 2024 to June 28, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Kindergarten
  • Grades: JK-SK


Kindergarten Part 1 has been carefully based around the Full Day Kindergarten Curriculum program; it has practical assignments that will allow teachers time to reflect and create useful tools and practices they can replicate in their own classrooms. The course looks at current theory, research and resources from the Ministry of Education that encourages teachers to think about play-based, inquiry learning in Kindergarten. Participants are encouraged to make this course as useful as possible to their own needs by choosing topics for their assignments that appeal to them and allow them to develop their knowledge in areas that are their current areas of interest.


(as required by OCT)

  • Primary Division qualifications
  • OCT Member in Good Standing or OCT applicant if new Ontario BEd graduate (Read more)
  • Your teacher education program coursework and practicum must be successfully completed before registration