
Junior Basic – Teaching the Junior Child Focus ABQ (OISE, Fall 2023, Online)

September 21, 2023 to November 30, 2023

  • Category: ABQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Other
  • Grades: Junior (grades 4-6)
The Junior Basic Additional Qualification course (Teaching the Junior Child) focuses on educating the active, independent junior child in grades 4-6. We begin our exploration with who the junior child is and some key characteristics and pedagogues (e.g. inquiry). We continue by building our instructional toolbox for the junior classroom including strategies for assessment and planning and explore program considerations for the various Ontario curriculum areas. Through conversation, reflection, inquiry and active exploration in a variety of settings (individual, small group, large group), we will build on the understanding we each bring to the learning community and extend our understanding as a collective. The online sections of this course offer convenient, supportive, and flexible access, enabling candidates to take their time to read, reflect, respond and build on their knowledge. Ongoing constructive and supportive feedback to group and individual assignments enhances this interactive teaching and learning environment.


Certificate of Qualification:
Must be registered with the Ontario College of Teachers or hold an interim Certificate of Qualification. Must hold an acceptable university degree or equivalent. It is no longer necessary to send in a copy of your Certificate of Qualification. We have access to this information via the OCT Public Registry.

  • Organizer: OISE at the University of Toronto
  • Cost: $735.00 See website for complete details.
  • Location: Online
  • Website:
  • Contact: OISE | Continuing & Professional Learning
  • Phone: 416-978-2474
  • Email: [email protected]