ExpiredWow! Math is Useful?

One of the reasons our students struggle in mathematics is because math is often taught as an isolated subject. Students don’t see the real-world value of the math skills they are learning and often don’t realize that mathematics is relevant and can actually, *gasp*, be fun and exciting and useful!

In this session, teachers will learn how to create mathematics projects that cross over into other subjects. The goal will be to give students a chance to learn mathematics through projects that integrate relevant, real-world situations that are also aligned with the Ontario curriculum. By the end of the session, teachers will come away with specific mathematics project examples and ideas and collaborate with other attendees to create their own cross-curricular mathematics projects that can ignite a love of mathematics, and thereby, the development of mathematical abilities, in their students.

Presenter: Kris Knutson

Audience: Gr. 4-8