In this webinar, participants will get a grasp of what a truly paperless classroom looks like and what it did to build confidence and competence in the applied/college level learner. Experiences will include a discussion of how daily use of the technology has benefitted at risk learners by removing barriers through measured improvements in: engagement, written output, organization, collaboration, independent learning/exploration, and digital competency/literacy. Participants will walk away with real student samples and teacher lessons.
Audience: Intermediate/Senior
- Tell Tale Heart
- Who Would you Choose Survey
- Edmodo
- Context Clues
- PAdlet Walls
- Copy of Fake news
- Fake news OLC
- Peardeck Features
- Suspence and Climax
- Malice Novel Study
- The Obilquette
- Hero Journey Assignment
- Media Groups
- The Present Video
- King Midas, Making Connections
- King Midas Suspense and Climax
- Ghosts Information Activity
- Tell Tale Heart Activity