Curriculum Forum

Since 1981, the OTF Curriculum Forum (Forum) has provided a unique avenue for professional learning and networking opportunities among the Subject, Division and Special Interest Associations (SDAs) as well as between the SDAs and OTF. The Forum also provides an active and important liaison between the SDAs and the Ministry of Education.

Members of the Forum are OTF, the OTF four Affiliates (AEFOETFOOECTAOSSTF) and over 50 SDAs. There is an open invitation to all formally established Ontario-based Associations to apply for membership in the Forum by applying to the OTF Executive.

The Forum meets three times during each school year – fall, winter and spring. The direction and work of the OTF Curriculum Forum is supported by a seven-member OTF Curriculum Forum Steering Committee which is composed of an OTF staff member, one elected representative from each of four SDAs and two Affiliate staff members.

The 2023-2024 OTF Curriculum Forum Steering Committee members are

  • Peter Beens (Association for Computer Studies Educators)
  • Michèle Kleinschuck (Ontario Art Education Association)
  • Julie Millan (Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario)
  • Belinda Russo (Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association)
  • James Steeves (Ontario Elementary Social Studies Teachers Association)
  • Cameron Steltman (Ontario Association of Junior Educators)
  • Moses Velasco (Ontario Teachers’ Federation).

Click here to view Forum members. Click here for a Twitter list of Forum members.