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Habits of Mind: GEMS Mystery Festival

The GEMS Mystery Festival contains two units—one for primary and one for junior/intermediate. It allows students to examine a crime scene, and then collect and analyze evidence. The process the students go through allows facilitators to demonstrate the use of the 16 Habits of Mind to solve a crime. This is a great resource to …

Instructional, Positive, Kid- Friendly Rubrics

The area of interest that our project addressed was assessment and evaluation. We wanted to create a tool that would assist student learning. We feel that student learning can be enhanced by providing meaningful feedback through the use of “kid-friendly” rubrics that are positive, easy to create, and practical for use as a learning tool. …

Curriculum Support Materials for Grade 11 Religion

The purpose of this lesson is to provide students with an opportunity to explore the cultural and religious mosaic of Canadian society in order to recognize the need for inter-religious dialogue and respect for other religious cultures.   Students will then have the opportunity to compose their own survey with the purpose of gathering information that …